25 de julio 2022
El 24 de febrero de 2022 Rusia invadió Ucrania. A tres meses de iniciada la guerra agradecemos al Museo de Historia de la Mujer y el Género que nació en 2008 Kharkiv, Ucrania y a su directora Tatiana Isaeva por compartir la exposición Herstory of the War que reúne historias de guerra narradas por treinta y un mujeres quienes realizan diversas actividades y provienen de diferentes ciudades y regiones del país.
On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Three months into the war, we thank the Museum of the History of Women and Gender that was born in 2008 Kharkiv, Ukraine, and its director Tatiana Isaeva for sharing the Herstory of the War exhibition, which brings together war stories narrated by thirty-one women who They carry out various activities and come from different cities and regions of the country.
Participantes - Participants
1 Gerasymenko Olena. ... Left until the Victory
2 Trutneva, Olena. 15 days of hell
3 Tverdokhlibova Mary's. About little brothers
4 Kobyliatska Victoria. All stages of denial during the war
5 Iurchenko Hanna. Cultural front in the near rear
6 Chaplayhina Anna. Going back home
7 Semenyuta Lilianna. Good news
8 Roshchina Muza. I am just living during the war
9 Gin Anna. I love you mom
10 Michnich Yana. I was fortunate. I'm alive
11 Saytarly Anna. In my 35 years I have seen the war twice...
12 Andreeyva Valentina. Life goes on
13 Ovseyko Natalia. Life is divided into "before" and "after"...
14 Shvetsova Alevtyna. Mariupol: here worth surviving
15 Kolodiy Marianna. My chronicles of war.
16 Zadorozhna Svitlana. My three weeks in the basements of the glorious Chernihiv
17 Denysenko Valentyna. MY X-HOUR
18 Delieva Natalia. Odesa- Mama
19 Kornienko Halina. Short notches
20 Fedotova Olena. The fragility of life
21 Stelmakh Bohdana. The most valuable freedom
22 Svetlychna Olga. The story a watch
23 Haidaienko Anastasia. To help to myself and other
24 Belolipteva Olena. War against civilians and civilian only
25 Zaseda Daria. War as an open wound
26 Chermoshentseva Natalia We are like one big heart
27 Zaitseva Olena. We are stronger together: physically or thoughts
28 Kurkurina, Liudmila. We believe in Ukraine
29 Svitova Slava. We can't be killed
30 Pokolenko Natalya. We did not want to be under occupation for the second time.
31 Zhukov's Olga. We will go back
Guerra en UCRANIA / Cruce de la frontera de Polonia, 1’52’’.
War in UKRAINE / the Polish border crossing, 1’52’’.
Gerasymenko Olena, jubilada, pueblo de Chornozemne, distrito de Yakymiv, Región de Zaporizhia, Ucrania. “... Left until the Victory”.
"¡Soy ucraniano y no le daré la mano a un ruso armado!" – así le respondí al ocupante ruso, quien se ofreció a “chocar los cinco” y hablar con una “persona adecuada”.
Gerasimenko Vira, retired, Chornozemne village, Yakymiv district, Zaporizhia region, Ukraine. “... Left until the Victory”.
“I am Ukrainian, and I will not shake hands with an armed Russian!” – this is how I answered the Russcist occupier, who offered to “high five” and talk to an “adequate person”.