9 MUJERES - Paola Andrea Díaz Bonilla, Colombia


9 MUJERES 9 Mujeres es el resultado creativo llevado a cabo por nueve mujeres víctimas de crímenes de Estado del departamento de Boyacá-Colombia. Un ejercicio reconstructivo, inspirado en las historias de vida, lucha y resistencia de estas participantes; nutrido en las experiencias recogidas por el Colectivo Memoria, Vida y Dignidad, la organización de víctimas que conformaron, la cual, desde hace varios años viene desarrollando una serie de acciones públicas en pro de la memoria, la verdad y la exigibilidad de sus derechos como mujeres víctimas.  Mujeres emprendedoras y portadoras de una memoria invisibilizada y acallada.9 Mujeres se sustenta en estas vasijas de la memoria; objetos que interpelan un pasado traumático y casi siempre fragmentado, conectando las rupturas subjetivas y colectivas ocasionadas por la violencia sociopolítica para ser representadas en estos objetos, dotándolos así, de sentido y significado. Las fisuras que conforman las vasijas reflejan la huella indeleble de las pérdidas sufridas; con cada fragmento que se fue uniendo, se hizo posible ir avanzando en la incorporación de las experiencias vitales y los recuerdos dolorosos; la apropiación de los objetos a través de la decoración resulto para estas mujeres ser un acto para la sanación del alma, al servir como fuente de enunciación de lo que resulta indecible. De esta forma, las vasijas obran como vehículos de emergencia de las memorias de un pasado traumático, en las que se hace posible representar las acciones emprendidas y el porvenir que convoca a este grupo de mujeres víctimas-sobrevivientes.El proyecto reunió a nueve mujeres, madres, tías, hermanas e hijas de víctimas de desaparición forzada, ejecuciones extrajudiciales, masacres y abuso policial. Hechos que no solo desencadenaron profundos daños subjetivos, familiares y comunitarios, sino que impusieron retos en los roles tradicionalmente atribuidos a su ser femenino, motivando la irrupción en los ámbitos públicos para convertirse en proveedoras económicas, y asumirse como actoras políticas, encargadas de denunciar el horror y dignificar la memoria de sus familiares. Por tanto, son mujeres que no solo han corporizado el dolor y sufrimiento que conllevan las experiencias límite, sino que, a la vez, se han transformado en símbolo de fuerza y valentía para encarar procesos de lucha y acción colectiva contra la impunidad y el olvido.9 Mujeres surge como uno de los objetivos del proyecto investigativo titulado “Reconstrucción del proyecto de vida de mujeres víctimas en Boyacá, a partir de estrategias de acompañamiento psicosocial e iniciativas de memoria”, del grupo Cacaenta[1] de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, el cual constituyó uno de sus propósitos, en evidenciar las capacidades resilientes que poseen las mujeres para reconstruir sus proyectos de vida y ser sostén de sus familias y organizaciones. Por esta razón, visibilizar las diversas estrategias de afrontamiento para sobrepasar desde el sentido común la adversidad, se configura en un imperativo para esta investigación, constituida como homenaje y herramienta de acompañamiento psicosocial dirigido a las mujeres víctimas de las violencias inscritas en los conflictos armados o el terrorismo de Estado.9 Mujeres es la alegoría de la re-construcción. Una apuesta vivencial, estética y política de mujeres sobrevivientes a la violencia de Estado, que aporta a su recuperación emocional en clave femenina, para demostrar desde el cuerpo y la vida de las mujeres protagonistas de este proceso que lo personal también es político.Paola Andrea Díaz Bonilla[2]InvestigadoraContacto: pandreadiazb@gmail.com[1]“Retorno a la Cultura Abuela”. Neologismo construido a partir de dos palabras Muiscas, CACA Abuela, y ENTA que significa retorno o trueque.[2] Psicóloga de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, especialista en acción sin daño y construcción de paz de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, especialista en políticas públicas para la igualdad de América Latina y el Caribe de Flacso-Brasil y candidata a magister en historia y memoria de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata-Argentina. Cuenta con trayectoria investigativa en perspectiva de género, acompañamiento psicosocial a víctimas y reconstrucción de memorias.

9 Women is the creative result carried out by nine women victims of state crimes in the department of Boyacá-Colombia. A reconstructive exercise, inspired by the life histories, struggle and resistance of these participants; Nourished in the experiences gathered by the Collective Memory, Life and Dignity, the organization of victims that formed, which, for several years has been developing a series of public actions in favor of the memory, truth and enforceability of their rights as Women victims. Women entrepreneurs and bearers of an invisible and silenced memory.9 Women are based on these vessels of memory; Objects that interpellate a traumatic and almost always fragmented past, connecting the subjective and collective ruptures caused by sociopolitical violence to be represented in these objects, endowing them with meaning and meaning. The cracks that make up the vessels reflect the indelible mark of the losses suffered; With each fragment that was uniting, it became possible to move forward in the incorporation of vital experiences and painful memories; The appropriation of objects through the decoration resulted for these women to be an act for the healing of the soul, serving as a source of enunciation of what is unspeakable. In this way, the vessels serve as emergency vehicles for the memories of a traumatic past, in which it becomes possible to represent the actions undertaken and the future that summons this group of women victims-survivors.The project brought together nine women, mothers, aunts, sisters and daughters of victims of enforced disappearance, extrajudicial executions, massacres and police abuse. These events not only triggered profound subjective, family and community damages, but also imposed challenges in the roles traditionally attributed to their feminine nature, motivating the emergence in the public spheres to become economic providers, and assuming themselves as political actors, charged with denouncing the Horror and dignify the memory of their relatives. Therefore, they are women who have not only embodied the pain and suffering that border experiences imply, but, at the same time, they have become a symbol of strength and courage to face processes of struggle and collective action against impunity and forgetfulness .9 Women emerges as one of the objectives of the research project entitled "Reconstruction of the project of life of female victims in Boyacá, based on strategies of psychosocial accompaniment and memory initiatives", from the Cacaenta group of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, the Which was one of its purposes, in highlighting the resilient capacities that women possess to rebuild their life projects and support their families and organizations. For this reason, to make visible the various coping strategies to overcome adversity from the common sense, it is an imperative for this research, constituted as homage and tool of psychosocial support directed at women victims of violence registered in armed conflicts or State terrorism.9 Women is the allegory of re-construction. A vivid, aesthetic and political commitment of women survivors of state violence, which contributes to their emotional recovery in the female key, to demonstrate from the body and life of women protagonists of this process that the personal is also political.Paola Andrea Díaz BonillaResearcher, Psychologist at the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, specialist in harmless and peacebuilding action at the National University of Colombia, specialist in public policies for equality in Latin America and the Caribbean of Flacso-Brazil and candidate for a master's degree in history and Memory of the National University of La Plata-Argentina. It has investigative trajectory in gender perspective, psychosocial accompaniment to victims and reconstruction of memories.

Contacto: pandreadiazb@gmail.com

9 WOMEN - Paola Andrea Díaz Bonilla, Colombia

9 WOMEN 9 Women is the creative result carried out by nine women victims of state crimes in the department of Boyacá-Colombia. A reconstructive exercise, inspired by the stories of life, struggle and resistance of these participants; nourished by the experiences gathered by the Memory, Life and Dignity Collective, the organization of victims that they formed, which, for several years, has been developing a series of public actions in favor of memory, truth and the enforceability of their rights as female victims. Enterprising women and bearers of an invisible and silenced memory.9 Women are supported by these memory vessels; objects that challenge a traumatic and almost always fragmented past, connecting the subjective and collective ruptures caused by sociopolitical violence to be represented in these objects, thus endowing them with meaning and meaning. The fissures that make up the vessels reflect the indelible mark of the losses suffered; With each fragment that was joined, it became possible to advance in the incorporation of life experiences and painful memories; the appropriation of objects through decoration turned out to be an act for the healing of the soul for these women, serving as a source of enunciation of what is unspeakable. In this way, the vessels act as emergency vehicles for the memories of a traumatic past, in which it is possible to represent the actions undertaken and the future that summons this group of female victims-survivors. The project brought together nine women, mothers, aunts, sisters and daughters of victims of enforced disappearance, extrajudicial executions, massacres and police abuse. Facts that not only unleashed profound subjective, family and community damages, but also imposed challenges in the roles traditionally attributed to their feminine being, motivating the emergence in public spheres to become economic providers, and assuming themselves as political actors, in charge of denouncing the horror and dignify the memory of their relatives. Therefore, they are women who have not only embodied the pain and suffering that borderline experiences entail, but, at the same time, have become a symbol of strength and courage to face processes of struggle and collective action against impunity and oblivion. .9 Women emerges as one of the objectives of the research project entitled “Reconstruction of the life project of women victims in Boyacá, based on psychosocial support strategies and memory initiatives”, by the Cacaenta group [1] of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, which was one of its purposes, to demonstrate the resilient capacities that women possess to rebuild their life projects and be supporters of their families and organizations. For this reason, making the various coping strategies visible in order to overcome adversity from a common sense, constitutes an imperative for this research, constituted as a tribute and psychosocial accompaniment tool aimed at women victims of violence registered in armed conflicts or State terrorism.9 Women is the allegory of re-construction. An experiential, aesthetic and political commitment of women survivors of state violence, which contributes to their emotional recovery in a feminine key, to demonstrate from the body and life of the women protagonists of this process that the personal is also political.Paola Andrea Díaz Bonilla [2] Researcher Contact: pandreadiazb@gmail.com [1] "Return to the Grandmother Culture". Neologism built from two Muisca words, CACA Abuela, and ENTA which means return or barter. [2] Psychologist from the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, specialist in action without harm and peacebuilding from the National University of Colombia, specialist in public policies for equality in Latin America and the Caribbean of Flacso-Brazil and candidate for a master's degree in history and memory of the National University of La Plata-Argentina. She has an investigative career in a gender perspective, psychosocial support for victims and reconstruction of memories.

9 Women is the creative result carried out by nine women victims of state crimes in the department of Boyacá-Colombia. A reconstructive exercise, inspired by the life histories, struggle and resistance of these participants; Nourished in the experiences gathered by the Collective Memory, Life and Dignity, the organization of victims that formed, which, for several years has been developing a series of public actions in favor of the memory, truth and enforceability of their rights as Women victims. Women entrepreneurs and bearers of an invisible and silenced memory.9 Women are based on these vessels of memory; Objects that interpellate a traumatic and almost always fragmented past, connecting the subjective and collective ruptures caused by sociopolitical violence to be represented in these objects, endowing them with meaning and meaning. The cracks that make up the vessels reflect the indelible mark of the losses suffered; With each fragment that was uniting, it became possible to move forward in the incorporation of vital experiences and painful memories; The appropriation of objects through the decoration resulted for these women to be an act for the healing of the soul, serving as a source of enunciation of what is unspeakable. In this way, the vessels serve as emergency vehicles for the memories of a traumatic past, in which it becomes possible to represent the actions taken and the future that summons this group of women victims-survivors.The project brought together nine women, mothers, aunts, sisters and daughters of victims of enforced disappearance, extrajudicial executions, massacres and police abuse. These events not only triggered profound subjective, family and community damages, but also imposed challenges in the roles traditionally attributed to their feminine nature, motivating the emergence in the public spheres to become economic providers, and assuming themselves as political actors, charged with denouncing the Horror and dignify the memory of their relatives. Therefore, they are women who have not only embodied the pain and suffering that border experiences imply, but, at the same time, they have become a symbol of strength and courage to face processes of struggle and collective action against impunity and forgetfulness. 9 Women emerge as one of the objectives of the research project entitled "Reconstruction of the project of life of female victims in Boyacá, based on strategies of psychosocial accompaniment and memory initiatives", from the Cacaenta group of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, the Which was one of its purposes, in highlighting the resilient capacities that women possess to rebuild their life projects and support their families and organizations. For this reason, to make visible the various coping strategies to overcome adversity from the common sense, it is an imperative for this research, constituted as homage and tool of psychosocial support directed at women victims of violence registered in armed conflicts or State terrorism.9 Women is the allegory of re-construction. A vivid, aesthetic and political commitment of women survivors of state violence, which contributes to their emotional recovery in the female key, to demonstrate from the body and life of women protagonists of this process that the personal is also political.Paola Andrea Díaz BonillaResearcher, Psychologist at the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, specialist in harmless and peacebuilding action at the National University of Colombia, specialist in public policies for equality in Latin America and the Caribbean of Flacso-Brazil and candidate for a master's degree in history and Memory of the National University of La Plata-Argentina. It has investigative trajectory in gender perspective, psychosocial accompaniment to victims and reconstruction of memories.

Contact: pandreadiazb@gmail.com

“Éramos una familia completa

Ha dejado un gran vacío en nuestras vidas

Abel siempre te llevaremos en el corazón y nunca te olvidaremos

Mucha tristeza

A pesar de todas las cosas que he vivido he salido adelante para estar alentada y disfrutar la vida

Yo sola sacando una familia adelante, fue una gran responsabilidad

Tuve fuerza

Soy una sobreviviente” Polonia  

"We were a complete family

It has left a great void in our lives

Abel we will always carry you in our hearts and we will never forget you

Much sadness

In spite of all the things that I have lived I have come forward to be encouraged and enjoy life

Me alone raising a family, it was a great responsibility

I had strength

I am a survivor ”Poland

“Te extraño” Victoria - "I miss you" Victoria

“Esmad Duitama 12 de julio de 2016Aunque el tiempo pase tu ausencia vivirá en nuestros corazonesGracias por los buenos recuerdos que nos dejaste, te extrañamos mucho LUCHOTe extraño mucho LUCHONacional papa!!!” Margarita

"Esmad Duitama July 12, 2016Although time passes your absence will live in our heartsThank you for the good memories you left us, we miss you so much LOT I miss you so much LUCHONational dad !!!" Daisy flower

“Pedro José VegaEjecución extrajudicialFebrero 10 de 2007Ejército Nacional de SogamosoLa infancia que vivimosFue el mejor regalo y recuerdo que me dejasteHermano míoHermano de infanciaCuanto te extraño.Aunque el tiempo pasaSigues presente en mi corazónTe extraño y te amo” Luz

“Pedro José Vega Extrajudicial executionFebruary 10, 2007National Army of SogamosoThe childhood we lived was the best gift and I remember that you left meMy brother, childhood brotherHow much I miss you.Although time passesYou are still present in my heart I miss you and love you 'Luz

“Sus hijos Yorman y lili te esperanDiosHijo mío, a pesar de tu ausencia aún sigo esperando por ti, aquí estoy de pie luchando por tu pronto regresoDonde quiera que estés hijito no te des por vencido, eres un hombre fuertePido a Dios que se acabe tanto dolor y que salga a la luz toda la verdadA donde no he ido en tu búsqueda!!!Con la música carranguera te recuerdoLucharé día a día porque se haga justicia y paguen los culpables” Luciana

"Your children Yorman and lili are waiting for you God, my son, despite your absence I am still waiting for you, here I am standing fighting for your soon return Wherever you are son do not give up, you are a strong man I ask God to finish so much pain and that the whole truth comes to light Where I have not gone in your search !!! With Carranguera music I remind you I will fight day by day for justice to be done and the guilty to pay "Luciana

“12/07/2016Gracias por los poquitos momentos que compartimos juntosFuiste una gran persona, responsable, un gran cuñado, noble, amableGracias por esos buenos recuerdos que nos dejaste en el corazón, siempre te llevaré en el corazón” Leidy

"07/12 / 2016Thank you for the few moments we shared together. You were a great person, responsible, a great brother-in-law, noble, kind Thank you for those good memories that you left in our hearts, I will always carry you in my heart" Leidy

“Masacre de La SarnaColombia lamenta la pérdida de 15 inocentesEl 1/12/2000 la muerte de mi querido padre Abel Cudris nos dejó un gran vacíoPescado yuca platano música vallenataMi mamá es una guerrera, luchadoraAmo a mis hermanos Daniel, Anabel, Diego, Milena, ÁngelaCarolina ama a sus tres hijos, Samuel, Sofía, Nani” Carolina

“La Sarna Massacre” Colombia mourns the loss of 15 innocents On 12/1/2000 the death of my beloved father Abel Cudris left us with a great void. ÁngelaCarolina loves her three children, Samuel, Sofía, Nani ”Carolina

“Pedro Jesús VegaEjecución extrajudicialFebrero 10 de 2007Ejército Nacional SogamosoTe busqué durante 6 meses en cárceles, hospitales, morgues hasta que te encontréMe quede esperando tu regreso y nunca llegasteAquí te tengo junto a tu familia e hijosHijito gracias por llegar a mi vidaHijito mío te quiero muchoFuiste mi primer varónHoy me acompaña tu recuerdoLo amaré siempreHijito tienes dos nietos, Daniela y SamuelHijito guardo todos tus trabajosSiempre te recordaremosNos haces mucha falta, vivimos resignados por tu ausenciaLa esperanza que un día nos encontremos en el cielo” Aidee

"Pedro Jesús Vega Extrajudicial executionFebruary 10, 2007Sogamoso National Army I looked for you for 6 months in jails, hospitals, morgues until I found you I was waiting for your return and you never came here I have you with your family and children My son, thank you for coming to my life First man Today your memory accompanies me I will always love him Son you have two grandchildren, Daniela and Samuel Son I keep all your works We will always remember you We need you so much, we live resigned by your absence The hope that one day we will meet in heaven ”Aidee

“En este momento que tu no estás aquí, nos haces mucha faltaSi estuvieras con nosotros todo sería diferenteTe extrañamos muchoNunca te olvidaréSeguiré buscando la verdad por siempreTe recuerdo por tu forma de ser, siempre cariñoso, con un carisma muy bonito” Ana

"At this moment that you are not here, we need you very much. If you were with us everything would be different We miss you so much I will never forget you I will keep searching for the truth forever I remember you for your way of being, always affectionate, with a very beautiful charisma" Ana


Taller "Apropiación del espacio público con perspectiva de género" impartido por Amor Teresa Gutiérrez y Susana Sánchez Carballo en colaboración con el Museo de las Mujeres de Costa Rica.


MENSAJE DE VIDA A TRAVÉS DEL COLOR Retrospectiva Virtual de Ana Broennimann