

Invasorix es un grupo de trabajo interesado en canciones y videoclips como una forma de protesta cuir-feminista. Se compone de 8 mujeres artistas entre los 25 y 36 años de edad, que viven y trabajan en la Ciudad de México: Daria Chernysheva, Mirna Roldán, Nina Hoechtl, Maj Britt Jensen, Natalia Magdaleno López, Liz Misterio, Naomi Rincón-Gallardo y Waysatta Fernández (hasta Julio 2014). Desde la primavera del 2013 se han reunido periódicamente, para escribir entre todas canciones y realizar videos, que se basan en sus experiencias con la precariedad (laboral, por ejemplo) y las dinámicas de poder en sus entornos, entre otros.A través del diálogo constante entre ellas y con sus amigas imaginarias - Gloria Anzaldúa, Pina Bausch, bell hooks, Pedro Lemebel, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, María Sabina, Patti Smith, Annie Sprinkle, etc. - han escrito tres canciones (El ano nos une, Nadie aquí es ilegal y Macho intelectual)que cuestionan los roles de género, los cometidos de los artistas, piensan en torno a la precariedad y sueñan formas alternas y/o utópicas de estar y ser.  INVASORIX is a working group interested in songs and music videos as a form of queer-feminist protest, composed of eight women artists who are between 25 and 36 years old and live and work in Mexico City: Daria Chernysheva, Waysatta Fernández (until July 2014), Nina Hoechtl, Maj Britt Jensen, Natalia Magdaleno López, Liz Misterio, Naomi Rincón-Gallardo and Mirna Roldán. Since Spring 2013 they have met regularly to collectively write songs and make videos that are based on their experiences: on precarity and on power dynamics in their environments, among others.Through a continuous dialogue among themselves and with their imaginative friends, such as Gloria Anzaldúa, Pina Bausch, bell hooks, Pedro Lemebel, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, María Sabina, Patti Smith and Annie Sprinkle, they have written so far three songs in Spanish (El ano nos une/The Anus Unites Us, Nadie aquí es ilegal/Here No One Is Illegal,Macho intelectual/Intellectual Macho) that question gender roles and the intentions of artists, reflect on precarity and dream about alternative and/or utopian ways of living and being. Invasorix

Invasorix is ​​a working group interested in songs and video clips as a form of cuir-feminist protest. It is made up of 8 female artists between the ages of 25 and 36, who live and work in Mexico City: Daria Chernysheva, Mirna Roldán, Nina Hoechtl, Maj Britt Jensen, Natalia Magdaleno López, Liz Misterio, Naomi Rincón-Gallardo and Waysatta Fernández (until July 2014). Since the spring of 2013 they have met periodically, to write among all songs and make videos, which are based on their experiences with precariousness (work, for example) and the power dynamics in their environments, among others. constant among them and with her imaginary friends - Gloria Anzaldúa, Pina Bausch, bell hooks, Pedro Lemebel, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, María Sabina, Patti Smith, Annie Sprinkle, etc. - They have written three songs (The anus unites us, No one here is illegal and Intellectual male) that question gender roles, the artists' tasks, think about precariousness and dream alternate and / or utopian ways of being and being . INVASORIX is a working group interested in songs and music videos as a form of queer-feminist protest, composed of eight women artists who are between 25 and 36 years old and live and work in Mexico City: Daria Chernysheva, Waysatta Fernández (until July 2014 ), Nina Hoechtl, Maj Britt Jensen, Natalia Magdaleno López, Liz Misterio, Naomi Rincón-Gallardo and Mirna Roldán. Since Spring 2013 they have met regularly to collectively write songs and make videos that are based on their experiences: on precarity and on power dynamics in their environments, among others.Through a continuous dialogue among themselves and with their imaginative friends, such as Gloria Anzaldúa , Pina Bausch, bell hooks, Pedro Lemebel, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, María Sabina, Patti Smith and Annie Sprinkle, they have written so far three songs in Spanish (El ano nos une / The Anus Unites Us, Nobody here is illegal / Here No One Is Illegal, Macho intelectual / Intellectual Macho) that question gender roles and the intentions of artists, reflect on precarity and dream about alternative and / or utopian ways of living and being. Invasorix


"Desnaturalizando prácticas sexistas" por Ana Mª Herrero


"Y, dónde están las mujeres?" por Elizabeth Ross